
January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

It is always interesting to look back at last year's January 1st post to see what goals I set for myself for 2016. I did pretty well with one exception.

2016 only saw 48 posts on this site which is the lowest total since I started the blog, but I had well over another hundred posts spread across four other blogs (see blog links to the left). So let's see how I did.

Historicon 2016
This was really my main project for the entire first half of the year. The event was a great success. There are lots of posts here and many more on the League of Augsburg blog.

Ugh... here's my exception. Not one... single... model. Sigh...

So, I DID get my Frostgrave warband sorted and actually got in a couple of games (I am playing a game tomorrow... err... is that time? I am playing a game later today). The dread summoner Madcap Toddlekin and his apprentice Kip Nine-Toes will once again venture into the frozen ruins!

I also managed to build a really cool board! However, I never got around to painting all of the buildings I bought for the project. I finally broke down and bought a full set of 'official' Frostgrave pre-painted buildings from North Star (and designed by Adrian's Walls). I may add some paint to them for more variation, but the goal was to get some table ready stuff so extra will probably wait (besides Adrian's stuff looks great). They are in the mail...

Oldhammer and Rogue Trader
I did ok here. It was my intention to paint my newly acquired Dwarf army, but I only managed four models. Instead I painted a unit of Zombies for my Undead, some seriously Oldschool Rogue Trader buildings, and a good number of Rogue Trader Adventurers and managed to complete my collection of the range. I hope to get all of them painted in 2017. I also bought a small Slann army, because I really needed another Warhammer army.

I DID get a lot of Age of Sigmar (faithful servants of Grandaddy Nurgle) models painted and I played zero games with them. I also bought a pre-painted Stormcast Eternals army, though it needs to be rebased to match the rest of my collection and have a little work to Quindia-ize it.

The League of Augsburg Presents...
Well, we didn't get the scenario book out, but it is because while at Historicon we decided it was time to get Beneath the Lily Banners back into print with a third edition. We did manage to launch a pair of comprehensive wargamer uniform guides in PDF for the Siege of Derry and the Battle of the Boyne and there are more on the way.

The Shiny
As predicted, there are always things I hadn't planned on that draw my attention! Malifaux, Dark Age Saxons from Footsore Miniatures, and a scratch-built Dark Age village are primary among these as well as a project I haven't blogged about yet... maybe in 2017!

Not terrible. I even got in a few more games than normal and I am making a concerted effort to play more often.

So, projects in 2017? Big plans! More Grand Alliance stuff for BLB (I want to finish my Jacobite army for the Boyne) and a Donnybrook project set against the backdrop of the GNW (I want to paint some of the new Warfare Saxon models). Sometime in the next few months I will be launching Warfare Miniatures USA online store to allow quicker delivery for North American customers to get their hands on Warfare models, flag sheets, etc without paying postage from the UK. Announcements will be made here and on the LoA blog when the shop is open for business - I am marshaling the troops now. I'm actually just looking forward to having thousands of Warfare Miniatures in my garage!

My next big event in 2017 is a trip to Scotland. I am heading over early in April for a League of Augsburg BLB weekender and then Mr Hilton has promised tours of battlefields, including a trip to Ireland to walk the grounds of my primary BLB interest! I will be there for about ten days total. I am super excited for this trip and looking forward to meeting lots of people I've only corresponded with through the web. It will also be an opportunity to generate lots of content for the blog!

I will be working simultaneously on BLB3, more uniform guides, more flag sheets, and the aforementioned scenario books. My goal is for us to be able to release multiple publications this year, including getting our earlier PDF's into print.

Apart from these, I have no idea. More Frostgrave seems likely as we are planning a monthly gathering to attempt to play a campaign. I know there will be more Oldhammer, Rogue Trader, and more Dark Age Saxons at some point as well!

Then there's the 'secret' project...

Happy New Year and the best going forward for everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read my rambling...