
April 27, 2015

Cropredy Bridge, Parlimentarian Horse

Turning next to the horse, My Parlimentarian horse consists of seven squadrons of horse organized into three regiments and two squadrons of cuirassiers (Heselrigge's Lobsters). The unit featured in the foreground in the first two photos below is Colonel Jonas Vandruske's Regiment (with the man himself leading the way). The flag is fictional since I couldn't find any record of the standard that unit carried.

Massed Parlimentarian horse led by Vandruske's Regiment


Sir William Waller's Regiment

Sir William Waller's Regiment, Detail

Sir Arthur Heselrigge's Regiment (Cuirassiers)

Sir Arthur Heselrigge's Regiment (Cuirassiers), Detail

Sir Richard Norton's Regiment

Sir Richard Norton's Regiment, Detail
This is still the largest collection of cavalry (nine squadrons) I've ever painted for a single project. I'm hoping to equal that with my Jacobite army for the Boyne (1690) when I get around to painting them! Next week, dragoons and artillery...


  1. Amazingly painted figures - I am very impressed.

  2. So many beautiful details! Great job!

  3. Lovely as always!. Does this mean you'll be polishing VWQ soon? ;)
