
April 24, 2015

Cropredy Bridge, Parlimentarian Foot

It's been a very long time since I looked at this army - unfortunately a lack of space in my mini cabinets means this army has been (carefully) packed away. Like all of my historical collections, when I started collecting models for the English Civil War, I chose a small battle on which to model my forces. The first army I chose was William Waller's army from the Battle at Cropredy Bridge, the core of which was made up of five battalions of foot.

William Waller

Col Samuel Joseph's Regiment

Col Ralph Weldon's Regiment

Kent Trained Band Regiment
Sir William Waller's Regiment

Sir Arthur Heselrigge's Regiment

Sir William leads his troops into battle!

Parlimentarian line of battle.
Next week I'll post shots of the horse...


  1. Your "Victory Without Quarter" rules are still very frequently referenced on the TMP (The Miniature Page) ECW Forum:

    I (as well as many others) do wish that you would re-visit VWQ. And, by the way, it makes for a great rule set for solo gaming.

    -- Jeff

    1. Thanks, Jeff.... My life has been severely disrupted for the last 18 months and my hobby time has been severely limited. Some day I will get around to publishing a proper version of VWQ...

  2. Nice looking troops!!! Not heard of this battle before???

    1. June 29, 1644... Actually a series of small encounters. Waller finds the King's army strung out in a long column and attacks across Cropredy Bridge. It can either be played as a large battle or a series of small games (there are several distinct stages that can be played individually). The end is rather anticlimactic with the armies finally organized into lines facing each other across the river and Waller withdrawing, but you could play a what if scenario where they clash in a decisive engagement.

      I was obsessed with this battle when I started the ECW... Victory Without Quarter was the password of Waller's army at the time of the campaign.

  3. Very nice! Thanks for bringing them out to share.

  4. Lovely troops, Clarence. Pity they aren't in a display cabinet; but good to have them nicely photographed.
