
January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Whew! 2013 was a busy year. One of the cool things about maintaining a blog for your hobby is the ability to look back and see what you accomplished in the year...

The year stated strong adding King William, the Duke of Schomberg, one battalion of Dutch foot, three squadrons of Danish horse, and some Dutch Grenadiers to my 1690 project in the first two months!

In March I was lured away by Warhammer 40k, both adding models to my Red Scorpions and painting a few Rogue Trader era Ultramarines. March also saw the release of the Quindia Studios flags for the GNW Russians.

April and May were all over the place, but work was going on behind the scenes...

My painting slowed to a crawl in June as we revealed the finished cover for Donnybrook and the launch of the new League of Augsburg blog. These projects took up much of my free time during the second half of the year. Donnybrook is off to the printer and the LoA blog has grown like gangbusters so both were well worth the time.

In July and August I only managed to paint the Duke of Wurttemberg and one Huguenot regiment.

September saw the release of more GNW flags, this time for the Swedes, some artillery for my Williamites, a squadron of Huguenot horse, and a few models painted in greyscale for a vague 1920's project I have rattling around in my brain.

The rest of the year was spent hard at work on finishing Donnybrook and I only managed a handful of models including my first Jacobite unit of Irish dragoons.

In some ways a disappointing year for painting. In 2012, I painted TWO 2,000+ point armies for Warhammer 40k (A Tale of One Gamer) AND eight battalions of foot and two squadrons for my 1690 project.


So bravely on to 2014! Donnybrook will be available in a few weeks (with a pre-order deal going up any day now).  My projects going forward will likely to continue to be a mess of periods and genres, but I WILL finish the last two Huguenot foot regiments to round out my Williamite army. The models are selected and on the painting table. The Jacobites WILL be started in a serious way very shortly. Barry and I are planning on going to Historicon this year to run some BLB and Donnybrook games if we can manage it. I have it in mind to paint some Warhammer Fantasy stuff too... I don't like the current rules, but there are rumors of another release and a major overhaul this year. Similar to my goal with A Tale of One Gamer in 2012, I have piles of unpainted Empire (remember this post from 2011?) and Goblin models tucked away. There will be another book later this year, though we are undecided as to exactly what is next... there might even be TWO books as we have one well over half finished. There will be more flags available from Quindia Studios, including some sheets designed for the factions of Donnybrook. The LoA blog should continue to roll along nicely and I will try to maintain a more regular schedule here as well.

I am sure that regardless of my plans, something strange will spark my interest and I will toddle off in another direction... say... where did I put those 10mm Copplestones?

Happy New Year!


  1. A very successful year Clarence! All the best for 2014!!

  2. Realy looking forward to get my hands on a copy of Donnubrook!

    Happy New Year !!!

    Best regards Michael

  3. I'm really interested by Donnybrook too.
    Happy New Year !

  4. Well done Clarrie - all the best for 2014 to you too. I'm sure Quindia will continue to pump out the most superbly painted figures and great graphics and illustration. Your collaboration with Mr Hilton has been a most fruitful one and I'm sure we will see more of it gracing the pages of any reputable wargaming mag!

