
May 3, 2020

Cameron Highlanders - First Platoon, A Company

I finished the first unit for my project set in the Sudan 1885. Although these are being organized for The Sword and the Flame set, they will work perfectly for Donnybrook as well!

Leader (Hero d12) Henry Hatwaver
Unit of 8 models (Regulars d8) Special Character: Sergeant Charger
Unit of 8 models (Regulars d8) Special Character: Piper McDonald

For those who don't know, the origin of Donnybrook was a one-page set I wrote for playing games with my Darkest Africa collection.

More soon.. starting on the second platoon this week!


  1. Beautifully photographed! Is the background a photoshop or poster?

    1. That's a backdrop... I used a little photoshop to blur it out a bit because it LOOKED like a backdrop.

  2. Looking good! What are the unit strengths for S&F I think I might already have one with 25 riflemen, a drummer, Sargent, bugleman, and two officer types.

    1. TSATF units are 20 models. A lieutenant, a sergeant, and 18 privates. I've included a musician which was an optional rule published in the 2000 scenario folio. Two such units makes a company and allows you to add a captain and master sergeant. Two companies and a mounted colonel (and an optional standard bearer) is a battalion.

      All that said, you could field units at any strength you like as long as you follow some sort of convention for both sides. Lots of people seem to use 10-12 man units as standard.

  3. Wonderful painting and terrain. I look forward to seeing your game reports; should look spectacular.
