
August 30, 2015

The Army of King William III

Here are some pics of my Williamite army for 1690-91 for Beneath the Lily Banners. My table isn't large enough to capture the whole army in one go!

As I mentioned in the last post I am currently working on some Jacobites, but I still want to add a few units to this army. For instance, I only have one Huguenot battalion at the moment. I also only have one English unit, with the rest of the army being filled out by foreigners! Finally, speaking of foreigners, I have a mind to add the third battalion of Dutch Guard and Eppinger's Dragoons in their ominous dark coats. For that matter I need more horse in general, but I need to paint some Jacobites first!


  1. Fantastic to see the whole force out Clarence.

    I've posted a link to LoA site, so hopefully a lot more people will see it.


  2. Fantastic to see the whole force out Clarence.

    I've posted a link to LoA site, so hopefully a lot more people will see it.


  3. Fantastic to see the whole force out Clarence.

    I've posted a link to LoA site, so hopefully a lot more people will see it.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Fantastic figures, beautiful army Clarrie and those flags of yours are superb!

  6. Superb looking army and very inspirational!


  7. Lovely looking troops. I am about to dip my toe into this period, can you suggest sources for uniforms (particularly French), please? I have ordered the Boyne Osprey. Thanks, Simon

    1. Thanks, Simon. My first stop for uniforms is always Mark Allen's series of articles from Wargames Illustrated. They use to be available on CD. The first issue is 27 and the last is 77 so you would need vol 2 and vol 3 of the CDs... there are more than a dozen articles scattered through those.

      There are also tons of pics of French units in the Beneath the Lily Banners rule book (sadly only available now on PDF) and lots of people willing to answer specific questions on the Fighting Talk Forum...

  8. Thanks Clarence, I shall see if I can find the articles- I may even have some of the old WIs. Would the first edition of BLB sort me? I think I know where I can get my hands on a copy.
