
June 27, 2015

Sara Dohner-Harrison, July 15, 1959 - June 27, 2015

I lost my wife of eight years today - We were together for over twenty. She has been struggling with multiple health issues her whole life, but the last year has been extremely difficult. Still her passing was completely unexpected. Though I could never get her to paint 'little men' as she called them she was an amazing artist...

She did help me build terrain, would listen to endless prattle about the difference between dragoons and cuirassiers, and never asked why I ordered a pile of Napoleonic cavalry when all these Orks were scattered around the house. We moved several times over the years and she always made sure one room in our home was designated as the 'game room'. She was absurdly proud of my work Beneath the Lily Banners, Republic to Empire, and Donnybrook and never begrudged the hours I spent tucked away in my office working on these books or painting models.

She was truly my best friend and I have no idea how life goes forward. I am suspending posting for a time, but I will be back. I suspect this hobby will become an even bigger part of my life and Sara would want it that way...


  1. I am so sorry to hear of your loss Clarence and words fail me at the moment. Sara sounds like a wonderful spouse and she will always be with you.

  2. Clarence, please accept our condolences; you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Condolences, You can always treasure your memories. Things will get easier. Hang out with friends, they will be your rock.

  4. Please accept my very sincere condolences, Clarence. I can just imagine how devastated I would be if my dear wife (who is also in poor health) were to pass on. It would be a frightening experience . . . so I can easily understand your pain.

    -- Jeff

  5. Prayers for you and your family...

  6. Please accept my condolences Clarence.

  7. Devastating news. I mourn with you and yours.

  8. That is deeply sad news. My condolences to you - only time can possibly attempt to heal.


  9. I am deeply sorry to hear your news. May you grieve well and find comfort.

  10. My condolences to you, Clarence; our prayers will be with you.


  11. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss and I pray you'll find solace as you grieve.

  12. Clarence - I am sorry to hear for your loss and will pray for you.

  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. This kind of thing must be horrible to go through, and is incredibly difficult to even watch from the outside.

    Take any and all time that you need. We'll be here when you're ready.

  14. Oh Clarence, that's such terrible news. I'm so sorry to hear of your sad loss. My thoughts are with you.

  15. So sorry to hear of your loss Clarence.
    Our prayers are with you.

  16. That is very sad; my condolences. That is a great painting and such a moving post accompanying it.

  17. Your post really took me by surprise Clarence, and it's moved me a great deal. My thoughts go out to you and your family at such a sad time.

  18. Oh man, that is harsh... So harsh... Sorry for your loss. :-(

  19. Oh man, that is harsh... So harsh... Sorry for your loss. :-(

  20. I am so sorry. Our thoughts are with you.

  21. Words are inadequate but my condolences are with you and your family.

  22. So sorry to hear about the loss you have suffered. Take your time to grieve and heal. We'll be here whenever you decide you come back!

  23. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now. I wish you whatever comfort you can find.

  24. Condolences all around thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  25. Clarence, my condolences to you and my hope that peace and comfort may be found when you need it most.

  26. Sincerest thanks to all of you...

  27. Condolences and prayers to you and surviving friends and family of your beloved wife.

  28. So sorry for your lost. I'm sure she is in a better place now

  29. I'm sorry for your tremendous loss and my condolences go out to you and your family.

  30. Please accept my deepest condolences, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

  31. I am sorry to hear of your loss Clarence. I apologize in my delay offering them, I only just found out today. Prayers for you during this difficult time.


  32. I have only just heard, my condolences on your loss old chap.

  33. Stay with those who you love, enjoy the break, see you back hear soon.

  34. Clarrie mate I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers from Down Under are with you in this terrible time. I sincerely hope you find the strength to carry on with Quindia when you are able. Take care.

  35. I lost my wife over 13 years ago. I know where you are now but believe me you will pull through...I have done after a long battle. Be strong.

  36. So sorry to hear your sad news, my condolences to you and your family Clarence.

  37. My deepest condolences Clarence. I cannot even conceive of such a loss. My heart and best wishes go out to you.

  38. So sorry to hear about your loss Clarence. My thoughts are with you. Deepest condolensces. She sounded like a real gem.

  39. What sad news. My sincere condolences for your loss, Clarence.

  40. Please accept my deepest sympathies Clarence. Thinking of you and your family. Richard

  41. I'm a little late to this but my sincere condolences are no less heartfelt for that. Treasure those years you had together.

    von Peter himself

  42. Be sure the hobby will save you.
    And that is what she expect from you. As would have think your best friend.
    'Sincères condoléances' from France.

  43. Belatedly, very sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.
