
January 1, 2015

... and Looking Ahead

Welcome to 2015!

As usual, I have lots of plans for the new year... I doubt they survive contact with the enemy, but here goes...

US Airborne
I have thirty or forty Artizan Designs castings I bought a few years ago to face off against my Germans (so the Germans don't always have to fight orcs). I recently got the Bolt Action rules and they seem to be perfect for the kind of game I enjoy. I painted a LMG Team to work out my color scheme a few days ago...

The Battle of the Boyne
OK, so this was one of my projects from this time last year and I didn't get around to it. I want to paint a small force of Jacobites to face the army of William III. So far I've only managed King James II and these dragoons...

Rogue Trader and Oldhammer
I have piles of 80's Warhammer 40k and I am amassing armies of 80's Warhammer Fantasy models (to replace the ones I got rid of years ago) from eBay. I'm not sure what the appeal is in the nostalgic era of these games, but I am all in! I even started another blog to focus on it...

That's probably ambitious enough for now. I'm sure something else will draw my attention like AWI British (I do already have models for a dozen or so units), a return to Middle Earth (ditto - lots of models tucked away in the cupboards), a 'modern' Warhammer Fantasy army (the new edition is rumored to be due out this spring or summer and I have lots of unpainted Empire and Night Goblins)...

Nah... it will probably be something I don't even know I'm interested in yet and need to spend flipping great wads of cash to get started...

I will also be returning to work on material for Donnybrook and several other project Barry and I have on, as well as taking a more active role in the LoA blog. I might even manage to get in some more actual games this year!

Happy New Year!


  1. This MG team is stunning, excellent job!

  2. I want AIRBORNE, I want AIRBORNE!!!! Agreed that MG team is stunning!
