
October 31, 2014

South Carolina Militia

Whew! I managed to paint four infantry battalions in October! My infantry collection is up to three Continental battalions and five militia battalions, each of four stands. I can combine these is different ways to vary the number of battalions and size of the units depending on the rules and/or scenario. I think one of keys to maintaining my focus on one period for the last few months has been the variety of troops in the project. I don't think I could have painted as many models if they had all been in the same uniform.

I have some skirmishers, a couple of cannons, and a few more commanders planned for November and then I hope to start on the loyal subjects of King George! The plan for Brits are similarly varied with Highlanders, British Legion, Light Infantry, etc. Once I get enough units for Cowpens I might actually get in a game!

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