
April 1, 2014

Imperial Warden

Never one to leave well enough alone, I've been planning on building an Imperial Warden ever since I first saw the kit. I always loved the hunchbacked model and the concept of a 'retired' knight taking up the mantle of the Warden to defend the homeworld. The fact that there are no rules for the model hasn't put me off in the least since I paint more than I play these days. My friends will let me use the model in games if I come up with rules and point values - we will adjust them between games if necessary.

I'll have more on this later, including construction pics, but I am currently working on a second 'normal' knight for House Hawkshroud. I just wanted to put this pic up. Tradition states that the wardens are painted white with a small area picked out in the house livery.

My plans now are to have two Imperial Knights from House Hawkshroud, the Imperial Warden from House Hawkshroud, and a third knight painted as a Freeblade.


  1. I'm very excited to see more of your construction photos so that I can steal all your methods : )

    Fantastic job!


    1. LOL... Glad I managed to come with something for YOU to steal for a change! More pics in a few days...

  2. not much a fan of the knight model but your warden has improved the overall aesthetics immensely. a well put together conversion/kitbash

    1. Thanks! It was all I could do not to build this first, but I though it would be a benefit to build a standard model first to get the hang of the construction.

      There is something about this chubby little guy that I really like. I think it's the T-Rex arms...

  3. Extremely cool build, very impressive.
