
April 16, 2014

Imperial Warden WIP

Thought I'd add an update on the progress of my Imperial Warden...

The white carapace really reflects a lot of light and this pic is a little washed out - there is more contrast in the shading on the white armor. I just realized I forgot to add the armored 'hat' and Red Scorpion icon to the left knee so I'm off to do that now. The next step is the first stage of weathering - painting the chips and dings.

More pics in a few days...


  1. Lovely painting - crisp details! Shall be cool to see it with your notorious weathering too.

  2. This is really excellent. At some point can we get a photo of the back, please.

    I would have been tempted to shave of the viewport on the hatch (or even get rid of the hatch altogether) so the model just presented an armoured shell to the front, but these are just my ramblings for when I attempt my own version!

    Excellent work!

    1. Will make sure there is a rear shot next time I take photos...

  3. Man that is such a cool conversion!

  4. When we were talking the other day you mentioned how cool the white armor turned out. It does look really cool- might be time to add a unit of White Scars to my Imperial Forces. Which paint did you use for white? A lot of time I get brush strokes because I feel like I am gooping paint to cover.

    1. The white was 95% spray primer (I think I used Army Painter, but GW would have been fine with me as well). I used GW Whitescar to touch up any mistakes while painting the trim, etc. The Shading was painted in the recesses with GW Nuln Oil, which is easier than it sounds with the shade paints... touch the brush to a rivet and it simply flows around it. The I used Whitescar to highlight the rivets.

  5. That is pretty darn amazing. Makes me very nostalgic. Beautiful work - bravo!
