
April 17, 2011

Beneath the Lily Banners News

This book will be off to the printer very, very soon (and pre-orders will be available from the League of Augsburg website). All of the layouts and final edits are finished. There are a few technical things to work out and I need to design the QRS. I THINK the cover painting is finally finished, though I may tweak right up until the last minute!

It is amazing how much work goes into one of these books - I've thought it was 'almost finished' for six months now. We really are going to ship this thing off in a week or so... no, really!


  1. NICE cover and I can see all the hard work.
    However when looking at the cover there is one thing which seems to go wrong. The shiny reflections on the metal parts dont match with the way you have painted a dark and moody sky. Might want to think about looking into that (hope you know what I am getting at ?)

    Otherwise top stuff !!

  2. Excellent work Clarence! A really nice painterly job.

    Having never faced a cavalty charge on a smoke filles battlefield I can't be sure, but maybe (and I mean maybe) may have made a good point?

    Still, everything else has been rendered extremely well. Top stuff as they say.


  3. Good point, guys, though I will mention the reflections are much brighter viewed on a PC screen than they are when printed, but I'll take another look before it goes out!

  4. Cover looks awesome. Going to be nice to have a copy. Maybe one day we will actually get a game in.
