
November 16, 2017



No idea why, other than I'm a huge Dr Who fan!

I've had these since Warlord came out with them. There are dozens of different paint schemes to use for Daleks, but this seemed like the path to cause the least sanity loss in repetition. I painted all six of these lads in one session so I think I choose wisely.

I have zero idea what I'm going to do with them as far as gaming, but I suppose as time travellers they could literally end up among any of my historical or sci-fi games... maybe Konflikt '47 (I haven't mentioned K47 on the blog before?... well, stay tuned...).

Of course, then I could get this guy on the table too...

Hmmm... need to add grass to the evil salt shakers. I normally just use earth bases for sci-fi models and I didn't realize the Doctor was different until I added the pic. I'll add grass to make the 'set' match. I've got another six Daleks and the hunky Davros to add to this little group and I may try to get to them over the upcoming holiday weekend.