
October 30, 2016

Sturmgeshutz and Sorcery

Coming next week...

Finally had a chance to play this game and I used Donnybrook with mods for fantasy AND submachineguns! No idea what this is? Check out these posts... or just stay tuned for the mayhem!

October 24, 2016

My Dad Builds Models in 1:1 Scale

My father (red shirt) rebuilt this Farmall Cub tractor from a rusty, non-working hulk over the course of two years. He sourced as many original parts as possible (an eBay hunt that mirrors my search for 1980's era Citadel models), sanded away rust, repainted everything, and repaired the engine to working order. He asked for my modeling expertise to apply the decals as a finishing touch...

Early on when I asked why he was doing this, he asked "Why do you paint little men?" Oh... got it!

Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool!

EDIT: Mom sent me some WiP pics...

Dad sporting a beard (!) and one of his friends who helped with the project...