
March 27, 2016

Donnybrook in PDF

Happy Easter! To celebrate we've decided it was time to offer the Donnybrook skirmish rules in PDF.

You can order your copy from the League of Augsburg shop now. Like most of our other rules, they are available in two formats. The hi-res version is perfect for printing and viewing on hi-end PC's while the low-res version is optimized for viewing on tablets. Of course, if you're old school there are still some books left too...

March 22, 2016

Tilting at Windmills

Whew! I just completed this fantastic windmill model from Tabletop World.  I think there are less details on a Napoleonic hussar!

Check out the ropes on the back of the vanes, securing the sails to the frame. Of course, this model will be the centerpiece in our Battle of Penny Burn Mill game for Historicon 2016, forming the anchor of the Jacobite defense.

The stonework was drybrushed in multiple layers and then I use several GW washes (Nuln Oil, Reikland Flesh, and Carroburg Crimson) to pick out individual stones to vary the tones. Then I used a final highlight of my palest grey to blend these back into the whole. I spent a very long time blending the smooth fabric of the sails and I'm not sure it shows in the photograph. You'll just have to come along and see it in Fredricksburg!

March 4, 2016

Malifaux - Starter Set Complete

Here are both crews...

These were fun to paint for a change and very different from the rest of my collection. I'll try to run through the mini-campaign soon and report on how it goes. Depending on how I like the game, I may look to expand my collection, probably along the lines of more Neverborn and Witch Hunters to avoid starting a third faction at this time.

March 3, 2016

Malifaux - The Bloodwretches

More happy guys for Angel Eyes!

That's it! I don't think I have EVER painted a complete starter kit in the three decades I've been buying models. Ok, it was only eight models, but it's still meeting a goal!

Pic of the whole gang tomorrow...

March 1, 2016

Malifaux - Scion of Black Blood

The second model for Angel Eyes' crew - The Scion of Black Blood!

Again, I painted this very quickly and I'm not sure he's finished. I think the skin needs another highlight layer blended in. The art has the tattoos in black, but they didn't show well against the skin, so I opted for a dark red.