
March 23, 2015

Crimson Fist Space Marines

These photos were some of the biggest draw from my old website so I thought I'd recycle them here...

These models are currently in my brother's possession. I've added a few models since I took these pics and promised to add a few more to make the list more my brother's style. I'd like to add some more anyway as the Crimson Fists were always one of my favorite Space Marine chapters.

I'll be adding more content from the old site in the following weeks...

March 8, 2015

Just a quick note - the old website at is gone. This weekend I changed hosting groups and decided in the move to not immediately transfer the content. It has been dormant for years as all of my current projects have been featured here and on the other blogs I maintain. I will feature some of the popular articles here and revisit some of old gallery photos as well, but I plan on replacing the site with a new design in the future which incorporates this blog as part of the whole.