
February 15, 2015


With the release of the new Harlequin army for 40k, I am planning on painting a small force to ally with my Imperial armies. I have yet to settle on a color scheme for the force, but I made a template to experiment with colors and thought others might find it useful when trying to work out their own Harlequins...

Feel free to modify these images and post them on your own site, but I'd appreciate a mention if you use them...

Arrr! Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2015

In an attempt to be more active in the Oldhammer community, I decided to join the 2015 Legacy Warband project from the Oldhammer forum.

How does this Legacy Warband thing work anyway? 
As a reminder, all contributors agree to paint and contribute one model to the pre-agreed theme (space pirates - see below). You paint the model and post it to your friendly neighbourhood organizer (axiom). All contributors are entered into a draw, and the winner out of the hat wins the warband for their collection. 

What's the time frame involved? 
Models to be with axiom by Saturday 28th November 2015, with the draw taking place in 1st week in December (with the ambition to have the warband with the winner by Christmas). The longer time frame is as per the 2014 project, conscious that several potential contributors were concerned about a shorter time frame and the ability to source, build and paint a suitable model. 

What models can I contribute? 
The theme is space pirates; suitable models might include human mercenaries, rogue space elves or orks with shoulder squigs and bionic peg-legs. Renegade Space Marines, deserters and ragged scum will also find a home here. Feel free to use a fantasy model and stick a lasgun or bionic claw on it...simply use your imagination and see what happens! The project is an Oldhammer project, but that doesn't mean you need to donate a vintage Citadel model - if you have something that looks right from a modern range or alternative manufacturer, then that's all well and good! 

How will this warband look coherent? 
Good question; by its nature, a rag-tag band of space corsairs will be varied and individualistic... in fact that's probably part of the appeal with this theme. We will agree on a relatively bright spot colour (vote here) which should be used on all models (hat, scarf, gun casing, boots, striped trousers etc) to show the allegiance of this disparate gang of scum. 

As for basing, the winner does the basing for the warband. This will ensure that a) the warband is coherently based and b) the warband fits into their own collection. 

How do I take part? 
This thread is where you formally stick your hand up and commit to participating. Simply reply to in the thread, stating what model you are likely to contribute (this can change at a later date), and axiom will amend the contributor list.

I had a quick sort through my models and came up with this Rogue Trader era scout - I actually have two of these buggers and it is such a distinct model that I wouldn't think of fielding them together in the small games I tend to play. It seems like a great starting point for my space pirate. It is my intention to replace one of the weapons with a cutlass. He's also going to have a sidekick modeled on the base at his feet - a monkey with a pirate hat from the Warhammer Fantasy Empire Handgunners box.

I have NEVER had six months to paint one model so I am going to have to figure out some outrageous level of detail to lavish on this guy! If you haven't joined in already, why not click over to the forum and give it a go?

February 6, 2015

US Airborne

Here's a pic of the whole army (minus the Sherman Tank)...

I still need to add some weathering to the armoured car, but I will do that stage the same time as the tank. Then all I need to do is paint a Panther for my Germans and I can actually get in a game of Bolt Action!