
December 31, 2014

Looking Back...

2014 was a busy year! Early in the year I had the joy of seeing the publication of my first book with author credits... Donnybrook! Unfortunately, real life conspired to limit what I was able to do by way of support for the rules. They have proved popular nonetheless and in the spirit of the way the rules were intended, many gamers have taken them and made them their own, pushing them in other periods and tweaking rules to suit.

During the first three months of the year, I was heavily into the Lord of the Rings. Besides painting over 100 models, I actually got in a game! I have lots more models and I'd like to return to Middle Earth again in the future.

Games Workshop managed to grab a pile of cash from me in March with the release of the huge Imperial Knight kit. I bought five of 'em - but only managed to (mostly) paint two. Oh, well, I still have the other three...

While I was in 40k mode, I added two squads to my Death Korps of Krieg army.

Then during the last half of the year I managed to maintain focus on one project - The American War of Independence. I painted five battalions of infantry, three squadrons of cavalry, twenty-four skirmishers, two cannons, and four officer vignettes. I actually completed the goal I initially set for the collection (including three battalions of infantry I painted earlier) which is nearly unprecedented for me!

Happy New Year! I'll have another post in a few days with my plans for 2015...

December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas

Wishing you and your families the very best for the holiday season...

December 18, 2014

Stro'Knor Macekiller

I decided to start a new blog that focuses on my retro-mini (Oldhammer and Rogue Trader) collection...

December 11, 2014

Renegade Miniatures

Renegade Miniatures is back and open for business...

Their site features a pile of ECW collection in their gallery page! It was kind of nice to see because I boxed these models up stored them in the garage. I haven't really missed them until seeing all of these photos! Their ECW models were among my favorite. The ranges are all not as complete as I would wish, but they fit in very well with Foundry (Dark Ages), Artizan (WW2), and Bicorne (ECW)... these three are based on my experience and I'm sure the other ranges fit in nicely as well and I highly recommend them.