
December 28, 2012

A Tale of One Gamer - Part Nine

Whew! This the last post of 2012 and the last post in my A Tale of One Gamer series.

The last pic, for those unfamiliar with Tyranids is a Tyrannofex and the thing is bigger than a tank! Here is the final Tyranid list of units:

Hive Tyrant
Tyrant Guard Brood (2)
Tyranid Prime

Tyranid Brood (3)
Genestealer Brood w/Broodlord (10)
Termagant Brood (18)
Hormagant Brood (16)
Hormagant Brood (16)

Lictor Brood (2)
Zoanthrope Brood (2)

Fast Attack
Ravener Brood (3)
Spore Mine Cluster (4)
Spore Mine Cluster (4)

Heavy Support
Carnifex Brood (2)

I far exceeded my goal as my army is up to 86 models and 2300 points (basically the cost of the Tyrannofex). While I am finished with the A Tale of One Gamer series, I have decided to push this army on to 3000 points as I have time. I still want to add a Trygon (or two - I easily have enough units to build a two force structure army) and a second unit of Tyranids. I also like to max out each branch selection so I need another Fast Attack (the second spore mine unit doesn't really count as I would probably field a single unit of six) and another Elite choice - probably a Gargoyle Brood and Hive Guard Brood respectively.

One of the goals of this project was to concentrate on models I already owned. I bought the Tyrant Guard Brood, Lictor Brood, Zoanthrope Brood, and Tyrannofex - everything else came from my storage closet!

This has been a lot of fun. I don't know if I'll do another series like this next year, but I definitely plan to follow the 500 points/month model the next time I build a new 40k army. The pace was quite leisurely for me and left me time to work on other projects. Splitting between two armies was a great way to avoid burnout as well as each unit felt fresh when I sat down to paint!

The next thing I want to do with these armies (besides play some games) is set up my photo equipment and get some action shots with terrain - next year!

December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Late in the day, but things have been crazy around my house today! I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I hope Santa brought everyone some great hobby related loot! I made out great with a copy of Forge World's Model Masterclass (vol 1), a Space Marine Drop Pod, and a box set of the Citadel Edge Paint Set.

There is also a couple of boxes on their way from Scotland with more shiny new Warfare Miniatures!

Merry Christmas!

December 19, 2012

Wargamer's ADD

Seriously - I have the attention span of a four year old. I sat down at my painting desk and had no room to work. It was covered with various models, projects, paint pots, tools, and notebooks. I resolved to the clean the place up and get a fresh start for 2013 and am absolutely flabbergasted by the sheer number of manufacturers and periods represented.

Warfare Miniatures
I have a battalion of foot destined to be Nassau-Saarbruken-Ottweiler, half of which are painted - I'm going to make an effort to finish this unit before the end of the year. In addition there are four pikemen to add to Hamner's regiment, four or five artillery crewmen, a dozen grenadiers I'm going to paint as a unit of converged Dutch, several mounted officers, an aide on foot, and King William III. All of these have stayed on the table after the clean up...

Games Workshop
Mostly left over models and bits from my A Tale of One Gamer series, I have a pair of painted Zoanthropes (see them at the end of the month when the series wraps up), two tyranids still on the sprues, a half assembled Trygon, and various loose bits including three Forge World Spore Chimneys (out of production). There is also a squad of Space Marine Terminators assembled for my Red Scorpions. More 40k models include a Space Marine painted to test a color scheme for a new army I plan to build next year, an Imperial Pilot from the old Battle for Macragge set, and a rare mounted Commisar for the Death Korps of Krieg.

For Warhammer Fantasy I have a Bretonnian warband for Mordheim to fight my Empire warband, three River Trolls (no idea why other than the models are really cool and I wanted to paint them), and the Empire General on a griffon that I featured on this blog almost two years (I think he's been on the desk since that post). Finally there is a Empire Witch Hunter I bought to check out the finecast line when it was brand new (pricy, but very nice, BTW).

I also have 36 goblins and the goblin scribe from the Escape from Goblin Town set based on the new Hobbit movie.

Wargames Foundry
Two battalions of WSS models painted as French that I intend to put up for sale to get them off of the desk!

I have an early French artillery crew than I plan to paint as Spanish to add another gun to my battery.

Claymore Castings
I really intend on building some small forces with these models, but so far I've only managed to paint four. Besides these four, I have another twenty of these excellent models crowded around them.

Renegade Miniatures
There are four ECW models painted as Jamestown militia for a skirmish project I am toying with.

Artizan Miniatures
I have a WW2 German mortar team and a single model carrying a panzerfaust to finish off a force for my Sturmgeschutz and Sorcery project.

Otherworld Miniatures
There is a giant scorpion for the fantasy force for the game above, plus a handful of goblins and kobolds and an expedition mule laden with adventuring supplies.

Reaper Miniatures
A massive Fire Giant towers over a handful of NPC types.

Ral Partha
A company of twelve Battletech mechs, long out of production. Half of them  are painted and the other half are undercoated. I have dozens of these old models. My friends want to set up a campaign so hopefully next year I'll get some more of these painted.

Whew... much of this has been packed away and I now have room to work again!

December 16, 2012

Fighting at Old Bridge

Just a couple of quick shots left over from a series of pics I took for Wargames Illustrated. I always take more than they need so I thought I wouldn't let them go to waste!

Looking forward to continuing to add to this collection. Next year will see the addition of lots of new units!

December 12, 2012

Painting Competition 2013

It's time for another painting competition! So, now it is time to go for it again or, enter for the first time if you didn't get a chance the first time around.

The entry conditions are very simple:

1. Entry is free!
2. All figures must be Warfare minis
3. All models must be painted by yourself!
4. You can enter as many times as you like in each or all categories

The competition will run till the end of February 2013.

There are 3 categories:

1. Infantry unit of 16 or more models
2. Cavalry unit of 6 or more models
3. Artillery piece or command vignette or other vignette of 4 or more models.

There will be 1st & 2nd prizes in all categories AND there will be an overall winner 'Best of Competition'.

Prizes will be drawn from Warfare Miniatures, Wordtwister Publications and Quindia Studios flag products with details to follow.

Entries should be uploaded to the Fighting Talk Forum.